How to book TfL SERU Test

by | Dec 14, 2022 | TFL SERU

Whether you are an existing PHV driver or looking to apply for your PHV PCO licence, you may be wondering when, where and how to book the TfL SERU test.

As you may know already, the TfL PCO SERU test is an assessment that all Private Hire Drivers in London will have to take at some point depending on when the specific deadline is for the driver depending on their English Language status or when they applied for their PHV licence.

Book TfL SERU test?

So, the answer on how to book the TfL SERU test is, you cannot book the SERU test, instead you must wait to be invited by TfL.  This means you could be invited at any time to attend the TfL SERU test at TfL’s assessment centre in London.

Update 06/07/2023 : On TfL’s updated TPH Driver Policy on the 6th of July 2023, they stated that the SERU Assessment date will be the same as your Topographical Skills Assessment date.  You would still need to apply and wait for TfL to send you a letter and email offering you test dates.

When will TfL contact me for the SERU test?

TfL doesn’t make it clear on exactly when they will contact drivers, but from our knowledge it is done at random and once TfL gets in touch, they will suggest dates for your SERU assessment.  Once booked in, it is up to you to prepare for the SERU test beforehand.

Once you are booked in by TfL for your SERU assessment, you are expected to make every effort to attend.  It is important to note that you get 2 attempts on the SERU assessment.  The first attempt is £36 and if you fail you can re-sit the test on another day for £16.  If you fail the second time, you will either need to start a fresh PHV application and if you are an existing driver, you won’t be allowed to work until you go through the whole process again.

Keep in mind that you could be called at any time to attend your TfL SERU test, it is wise to prepare and be ready. 

SERU Training – Be prepared!

You can prepare for the SERU test by reading through the TfL PHV driver handbook, this will give you all the information you need to pass the TfL SERU assessment.  However, to really improve your chances, we encourage you to take a SERU mock test online.  You can complete our online SERU training which is followed by a SERU mock test which is like the real TfL test, we have like for like questions and a 45-minute timer to help you get a real feel of the TfL SERU exam.

Register for the TfL SERU training and get access to some free SERU taster questions.

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