Never miss TfL Private Hire updates

by | Jun 12, 2023 | PCO Driver News

As a private hire driver, we often get too busy to stay up to date with changes, announcements and new by TfL or due to the big gaps in changes (although the last few years have seen a lot of changes) we become complacent on not checking for updates.

Did you know, as a part of the TfL SERU assessment and on the SERU assessment handbook, drivers are reminded to keep an eye out for any letters or emails from TfL? This is because TfL sends important information to drivers via these methods and if you don’t read the letters, you could miss something important regarding your license.

We’ve put together a list of great ways to stay up to date with TfL private hire news announcements, changes and consultations.

1. TfL Email & Letters
Let’s start with the one we’ve already mentioned. TfL can send you emails or letters through the post, so apart from making sure you check any communication sent to you via these methods, always remember that if you change your address or email, you need to update it with TfL.

2. TfL website, notices and news
The TfL Private Hire website has a wealth of information and one of the sections you as a private hire driver in London should check regularly is the “News and updates” section. Here you will find “TPH news and roads updates” – which is exactly what it says on the tin. Not only does it update you on any major changes up updates, but you get information on upcoming road closures or events that are relevant for private hire drivers.

There is also a section called “TPH notices and consultations”, here you can find any current and previous consultations. These are important as TfL is asking for your opinion before making a major decision, such as changing the English Language Test to the SERU test.

As updates can happen at any time, we recommend checking once a week. Here is the link to TfL’s News & updates section.

3. OnRoute Magazine
This is the TfL online magazine for taxi and private hire drivers. It’s a very well put together magazine with useful information, tips and statistics for both taxi and private hire. The magazine is published bi-monthly (every 2 months) and you can read it on your phone. Read the latest copy of the TfL OnRoute magazine.

4. Our Blog (of course)
Okay, we’re being a little cheeky, but we do think we provide valuable information for private hire drivers. We try to focus our content specifically on SERU assessment content but we do like to chuck in interesting statistics and tips as well.

5. TfL Private Hire Twitter
This is actually one of our favourite ways to keep up to date with TfL news and updates. It not only provides a way to get up to date information, but also serves as a great way to be reminded of new rules, upcoming changes, upcoming events. We definitely recommend drivers follow TfL PHV twitter account, you can also ask questions and get faster replies than emailing and you can see what fellow private hire drivers are asking as well.

Also if you have your notifications on, you’ll get the latest updates coming to you instead of you trying to look for it on the TfL website.

Follow TfL TPH on Twitter now!

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