New Rules from 1 July 2024

by | May 30, 2024 | PCO Driver News

New Rules for Private Hire Vehicle Drivers from 1 July 2024

After consultation, TfL announced changes that will affect throughout this year and next year, Private Hire Vehicle Drivers and Taxi Drivers.  Some of the rules came into place from February 2024, like the DBS update service registration.  There are rule changes for PHV drivers and PHV Operators.


Here are the changes that will come into place from 1st July 2024.

Self-reporting within 48 hours

Effective from 1 July 2024, PHV drivers must self-report any arrest, release, charge, caution, or conviction within 48 hours. This self-reporting requirement ensures that TfL is kept informed of any legal issues involving drivers, allowing for swift action to protect passengers. This proactive measure aligns with the broader goal of transparency and accountability within the PHV industry.

New Vehicle Signage on Complaints Procedures

From 1 July 2024, all PHVs must display prescribed information, including how to make a complaint to TfL. This signage will be affixed during the annual vehicle licensing inspection. By 1 July 2025, it will be the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle displays the correct signage. This initiative aims to empower passengers by providing them with clear instructions on reporting any issues, thus fostering a safer and more responsive service.

Overseas Criminal Record Checks

Starting 1 July 2024, new and renewing PHV drivers who have lived outside the UK for more than three months in the last decade must provide a Certificate of Good Conduct for those periods. This requirement addresses potential gaps in background checks, ensuring that drivers with international histories meet the same rigorous standards as those with solely UK-based backgrounds.

Operator Responsibilities and Record-Keeping

From 1 July 2024, PHV operators must undergo annual DBS checks and maintain a register of booking and dispatch staff, keeping records for at least 12 months. This change enhances oversight and ensures that operators are also held to high standards of accountability and safety.

Continued Focus on Safeguarding Training and Language Proficiency

While there are no changes to the current requirements for PHV drivers regarding safeguarding training and English language skills (SERU assessment and Speaking & Listening test), these standards remain critical. Existing assessments will continue to ensure that drivers are well-equipped to communicate effectively and understand their regulatory obligations.

Looking Ahead

TfL’s comprehensive approach to implementing these changes underscores its commitment to passenger safety. By tightening regulations and enhancing transparency, TfL aims to build a safer and more reliable PHV service. Drivers, operators, and passengers alike will benefit from these improvements, fostering greater trust and confidence in the transportation system. As the implementation dates approach, TfL will provide further guidance to ensure a smooth transition and continued excellence in service delivery.