How to register for DBS update service

by | Jan 26, 2024 | PCO Driver News

Starting from 26 February 2024, all existing Private Hire Drivers and new applicants will need to register for the DBS update service.  If you are an existing driver, you will need to do this when you renew your PHV drivers’ licence. The requirement starts from 26 February 2024, it is not the deadline.

Important: You can only apply for the DBS update service within 30 days of your DBS certificate being issued. If you do not apply within the 30 days, you will need to do a new DBS application.

Alternatively, you can apply when you complete your new DBS application via TfL’s chosen DBS provide First Advantage.  To do this, you will need to use your “Application reference number”, which is emailed to you.  And then you would need to visit the Disclosure & Barring service website to register for the DBS update service.


What do I need, to apply for DBS update service?

You will need your latest DBS Certificate number or if you’ve made a new DBS application, you can use your “Application reference number” that is emailed to you.


Where do I apply for DBS update service?

To register for the DBS update service, you need to go to the Disclosure & Barring Service website:

How much does DBS update service cost?

DBS update service costs £13 per year, which you can only pay with debit or with credit card.

When can I apply for DBS update service?

It is important to note that you can only apply for the DBS update service when you complete your next DBS check, which will most likely be on your Private Hire Drivers licence renewal date or for new drivers when you make your initial application for a Private Hire Drivers licence.

What is the TfL DBS Update Service?

Currently as a PHV driver, you do an enhanced DBS check when you first apply for your Private Hire Drivers Licence and then re-do a new enhanced DBS check on your Private Hire Renewal, which is normally every 3 years.  The DBS update service means that TfL will have the ability to regularly check your DBS status.  So, if you had something added to your DBS file, they would not need to wait for the renewal period to find out.

TfL Private Hire DBS application and DBS update service

New enhanced DBS applications and the DBS update service applications are done in 2 different places.

When you first apply for your enhanced DBS check, you will need to do it via TfL’s chosen DBS provider, who are

After you’ve made the application via “First Advantage | Know Your People”, you will receive an email with your “Application reference number” from DBS.  You will then need visit the Disclosure & Barring Services website to apply for the DBS update service using your application reference number  or you can wait for your DBS certificate to arrive and then you have 30 days to apply using your Certificate number.

How to apply for DBS Update Service

Visit Disclosure & Barring Service website, here is the link and then fill out the form and make a payment of £13.


Here is the TfL Notification regarding the new requirement for PHV drivers to sign up to the DBS update service.


Here is the DBS Update Service Information Leaflet from TfL


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