What is the TfL SERU assessment test?

by | Oct 3, 2022 | TFL SERU

SERU is the abbreviation of Safety, equality, and regulatory understanding. The Transport for London (TfL) introduced the SERU assessment as a requirement for any driver applying for their Private Hire driver’s licence which enables them to work as a mini-cab driver or PCO driver in London. In London, mini-cab drivers working for apps like Uber, Bolt or Addison Lee must be licenced by Transport for London. The SERU test or as TfL call is the SERU assessment was introduced on 1st October 2021. New PCO drivers and existing drivers will need to complete the SERU test. The SERU test is computer-based and consists of multiple-choice questions and completing sentences by adding mission words.

SERU for New PCO Application

All new applicants for the PCO Licence who applied on or after the 1st of October 2021 will have to do the SERU test as well as the English language speaking and listening test. However, they have until 30th September 2024 to take both tests and pass.

This means, you can apply for your licence and do all other parts such as the application and topographical skills test and you will get your Private Hire Licence and can start working but you will have the condition applied to that licence which states that you must complete your SERU and Speaking & Listening test by 30th September 2024

Important Note: If you apply on or after 1st April 2023, you will not get the extra deadline time of 30th September 2024. You will need to pass both your SERU test and Speaking and Listening test before you get your Private Hire Licence.

SERU for PCO Renewal

Private hire drivers who are renewing their licence fall under 2 categories when it comes to the SERU test.

1. You did not provide English Language Requirement proof (English Certificate) to TfL by 30th September 2021

If you fall in this category, you will need to take and pass the SERU test and the English Language Speaking and Listening test.

Both these tests must be completed by 30th September 2023.

2. You provided you proof of English Language Requirement.

If you provided your proof for the English Language Requirement to TfL, you fall in to the second category. TfL will review the evidence provided, if they have not done so already and then let you know if it was accepted or not.

TfL will call you to determine if they are satisfied with your evidence. If TfL are not satisfied, then you will fall back into the first category and will need to do both the SERU and Speaking & Listening test.

If TfL is satisfied with your proof of English Language Requirement, then you will only need to take the SERU test and you will have until 31st March 2025 to take the SERU test. You will NOT have to take the speaking and listening test.

Cost of SERU test with TfL

SERU Assessment/Test: £36
SERU Assessment/Test Re-take price: £16

Other potential costs:
TfL Speaking & Listening Test: £36 – Find out more about the TfL Speaking and Listening Test here.

How many times can I take the SERU test?

Just like the topographical skills test, you only get 2 attempts to pass the TfL SERU Test. Failing twice will mean you have to start a new application which at the moment can take up to 18 months to get your private hire licence.

Where do I take the TfL SERU Test?

You can only take the TFL SERU test at one of the 2 TfL offices, which are the only official SERU test centres.

Prepare for TfL SERU Test

It is very important you prepare for the TfL SERU test as you only get 2 attempts to pass and if you do not pass, then your PCO application or renewal will be delayed and can take up to 18 months to get licensed.

TfL provide a very useful handbook which you can download here, this will help you learn about the topics covered in the SERU test.

Alternatively, you can try our online SERU training which will give you a real feel of the actual test.

SERU Assessment/ SERU Requirement Dates

Below are the deadlines for when you must pass your SERU Test and if applicable English Speaking & Listening test. Drivers who fall between certain dates will still be issued a Private Hire drivers’ licence but will need to pass their tests by the deadline date.

NEW PCO Licence Applicant–
Status: Applied on or after 01/10/2021 (1st October 2021) but before 31/03/2023 (31st March 2023)
Deadline: 30/09/2024 (30th September 2024)
Tests to take:
– SERU Test
– Speaking & Listening Test

NEW PCO Licence Applicant–
Status: Applied on or after 01/04/2023 (1st April 2023)
Deadline: Must pass test before they get issued a private hire licence
Tests to take:
– SERU Test
– Speaking & Listening Test

RENEWAL PCO Licence applicant –
Status: Completed previous English Language Requirement and accepted by TfL
Deadline: 31/03/2025 (31st March 2025)
Tests to take:
– SERU Test only

RENEWAL PCO Licence applicant –
Status: Did not complete previous English Language Requirement by 30th of September 2021 or TfL did not accept your English Language Requirement evidence
Deadline: 30/09/2023 (30th September 2023)
Tests to take:
– SERU Test only
– Speaking & Listening Test

Is the Safeguarding Awareness Training same as SERU test?

No, the Safeguarding Awareness Training is not a test. It is a free online training which all existing and new PCO drivers must do on the TfL website.

Here is the link to the TfL Safeguarding Awareness Training course.

TfL English Language Requirement

TfL English Test has been replaced by the SERU assessment and English Language Speaking & Listening test where applicable is a seperate test which some drivers will need to take.